Friday, February 5, 2010

Vegas Care Package?

Marci, my roommate, is leaving for Vegas next week to go to her brother's impromptu wedding. Since she is flying out there I decided I would try to put something together for her for her plane ride and things she may need randomly why she is hanging on the Strip (lets just say I'm super jealous she's going and wish I could go with her). Basically, I just wanted to put something small together because I think she's the best and hopefully a small package will make her solo flight better.
As I was trying to figure out what to put in my package I came to a blank of what to get. Here's what I have so far:
  • New Cosmo Magazine: something to read
  • Package of Gum: I don't want her to have bad breath if she meets any celebs : ) oh and I guess it'll help with her if her ears are popping
  • Hairspray: my girl's got to keep her sweet updo fly!
  • Tiny first-aid kit: cuz shit happens
  • Kleenex: for any sniffles or random clean-ups (or maybe cuz I need a package for my book bag and I thought I'd give her a one too)

That's about it for right now....any ideas? Please let me know!! My first thought was to make it Vegas themed, but then I realized that everything Vegas is in, well, Vegas, and definitely not in Manhattan, KS, so now I'm pretty much stuck!

1 comment:

Miranda's Minutes said...

Energy Pills! and make sure her phone charger is packed.