- a crawfish festival (the town was packed and their downtown was full of tourist shops)
- the pecan capital of the world (the town's symbol was a pecan tree colored like the Texas flag, go figure hehe!)
- a winery (I regret not stopping)
- huge pecan tree groves
- Dr. Pepper's hometown (I shed a few happy tears when I passed through)
- about a million cemetery's
- plenty of dead armadillos
- extremely high fences (this can only mean they are raising giraffes right?)
- a motorcycle rally
- a quirky thrift store on the side of the road called Wispey's
- gorgeous wild flowers
I loved the whole trip, and it made me really excited as I was heading down to camp. So excited, that I wanted to move here, but we'll just have to see what I think at the end of the summer!