Monday, February 15, 2010

....and now I am unbuttoning my pants

In the past three(ish) hours I have had the following:

-a couple different brownies
-a bag of cheetos
-the last brownie smothered with peanut butter
-a couple more bites of peanut butter
-a homemade chicken salad sandwich (I felt proud, I made it from leftover baked chicken)
-smothered rice
and now...

the other roomie just said we should eat some of her leftover strawberry shortcake...

I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow, HELP!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Love....

I got this idea from, and I thought it'd be fun. Since it's Valentine's Day, I figured I would make a running list of things I love, that I'll update as I think of things:

  1. chocolate
  2. dancing
  3. Paden
  4. my family
  5. Marci
  6. color cordinated closets
  7. Singing in the Rain - the movie
  8. just singing in the rain in general
  9. thunderstorms
  10. Chinese food
  11. sunshine
  12. bubbles
  13. cheesecake
  14. dogs
  15. old movies
  16. God
  17. laughing!
  18. coffee ice cream
  19. playing board games with friends
  20. getting flowers just cuz
  21. hip hop
  22. Dr. Pepper- fountain
  23. Grey's Anatomy
  24. shoes
  25. comfy pillows
  26. late night grocery shopping
  27. walks
  28. Miranda Lambert
  29. Mexican food
  30. candles
  31. bubble baths
  32. grilled onions
  33. men's cologne
  34. snowmen
  35. Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes
  36. peanut butter
  37. having a cool breeze hit you in the face when your hot
  38. make-up, especially Mary Kay
  39. Orbit Sweetmint gum
  40. colored socks
  41. cuddling
  42. jeans
  43. flip flops
  44. green
  45. cute older couples
  46. staying home, watching a movie, and drinking a glass of wine
  47. margaritas
  48. jazz
  49. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail & Sleepless in Seatle
  50. Norah Jones
  51. faith

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bad day remedy

Yesterday was a bad day. Not to sound toO depressing, but it was truly a really bad day. Well, the first half at least. I think too much stress built up and I went over the edge.
I found out what my bad day remedy is....

Are you ready?

First: take a two hour nap (this is a must and without it nothing good can follow)
Second: Have your boyfriend come over and snuggle with you a bit and then tickle you until you actually wake up.
Third: Beat your boyfriend at Mario Kart, which never happens. It really helps if he hasn't played in over a month so he's not as good!
Fourth: Go to a Mary Kay meeting with a friend. You may not know her really well, but that's okay because she's amazing and every time you are with her she makes you laugh!
Fifth: (Stay with me on this one) Go to the library and try to study with two girlfriends BUT INSTEAD end up gabbing about you weird OCD problems (hey I love having my closet color-coded).
Sixth: Avoid the ghetto that lives in apt. 1 by having the boyfriend come pick you up, and then have him give you a back-rub!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It's Wednesday, middle of the week, and I am done! I have decided I am quitting this week. This week is dead to me, gone, I am walking away from it, going to next week. Next week looks amazing! Why hello next week! How are you? Great, I am going to come hang out with you early, as long as that is alright with you!!
No but seriously, I have had a ton going on this week! Between work, interviews, exams, quizzes, group projects, studying for exams, trying to get stuff for Marci's Vegas plane package, etc. I have had no time to breathe! Or shower, but that's not important, right?!
Tonight after my exam and my group meeting, I am going to go home, finish my project that is due tomorrow in my lab, hold on to Marci and not let go as I cry as she leaves me to go party in Vegas, and try to get some sleep before my lovely 530am wake-up call for my lab. I might wake up even earlier to do that whole showering-thing, buts its been so long, my body may go into shock.
Tomorrow after lab and class, I will be going to a Mary Kay Meeting, where I'll be able to see my sister, which is always nice, but after that it'll be back to studying for a test on Friday. Friday is a full day of classes, including an exam, and then closing at the Deli. Saturday and Sunday aren't any better because they consist of double shifts on both days.
So next week better be ready because I've never been so excited for it!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Vegas Care Package?

Marci, my roommate, is leaving for Vegas next week to go to her brother's impromptu wedding. Since she is flying out there I decided I would try to put something together for her for her plane ride and things she may need randomly why she is hanging on the Strip (lets just say I'm super jealous she's going and wish I could go with her). Basically, I just wanted to put something small together because I think she's the best and hopefully a small package will make her solo flight better.
As I was trying to figure out what to put in my package I came to a blank of what to get. Here's what I have so far:
  • New Cosmo Magazine: something to read
  • Package of Gum: I don't want her to have bad breath if she meets any celebs : ) oh and I guess it'll help with her if her ears are popping
  • Hairspray: my girl's got to keep her sweet updo fly!
  • Tiny first-aid kit: cuz shit happens
  • Kleenex: for any sniffles or random clean-ups (or maybe cuz I need a package for my book bag and I thought I'd give her a one too)

That's about it for right now....any ideas? Please let me know!! My first thought was to make it Vegas themed, but then I realized that everything Vegas is in, well, Vegas, and definitely not in Manhattan, KS, so now I'm pretty much stuck!