Last week, I left for Chicago, and even though I threw up on the plane, it was a great trip! Yes that is right, I was that girl. Some of the girls who traveled with me sat a few rows back and figured it must be a small child the flight attendants were fussing with. Oh no, that small child was this 20 year old! We hit some turbulence for what seemed like an eternity, and all of a sudden I got really sweaty and felt my temperature rise. Of course, this all takes place right before we landed so I am stuck in my seat, seat belted in, and can't get up to go to the restroom. It was completely embarrassing and the businessman next to me is trying to be nice and saying things like "oh that's the worst turbulence I've ever felt". I am just going to go with him, only I'll probably expand that and say it was the worst turbulence ever!
After we landed though, I had a drink of water and some gum (thank goodness I had two full packs of sweet mint gum and enough mints to feed Chicago), and I was feeling much better. We got on the EL (stands for elevated train) to head for our hotel. Luckily, while we were waiting for our luggage and discussing how we were probably going to get lost, some very nice people helped point us in the right direction. We lucked out and met some nice people all throughout Chicago to help get us where we needed to go! The hardest part was trying to get all our luggage on the train, get off in the .3 seconds it gives you to exit, and than make our way from the orange train to the red, which ran underground. This meant we had to drag our luggage down several sets of stairs and find our way underground until we found the right platform and make sure we got on the train going north, instead of the one going south. Through it all, we managed to make it and find our way to our hotel.
Majority of our luggage on the el train with us.
When we arrived, we met a very nice bellman who directed us to all there is in Chicago and went out to eat and meet up with the rest of our group. We ate at a bar, Jake's, and just hung out for a while.
My yummy bbq flat bread pizza!
Than the rest of the group decided to go bar hopping, so two other girls and myself (we are all under 21) decided to check out what the Magnificent Mile had to offer us. And offer it did, from Cartier and Tiffany, to Burberry, Gap, Louis Vuitton, and even Niketown. We went into Macy's and got a massage on one of our hands from a girl dressed in 80s gear and than went back to the hotel to warm up. No one seemed to remember that Chicago wasn't in Kansas, and we should expect a few degrees drop in temperature, so no on packed jackets or heavier gear. Oh that's right, I did, but it got thrown up on it from the plane....dang it!
So back at the hotel we decided to hit up the steam room, hot tub, and whirl pool and call it a night. It didn't start out quite like I wanted it too, but I was still excited to just to be there!